Saturday, December 28, 2019

Playing it Safe Making Your Own Perfume

Making perfume at home isnt difficult as long as you use the correct ingredients and observe safety rules. This follow-up to an earlier perfume-making tutorial includes details about the purpose of the ingredients used in making perfume, as well as some additional precautions regarding potential hazards. Using Ethanol Alcohol-based perfumes employ ethanol. High-proof, food-grade ethanol is the easiest alcohol to obtain. Vodka or Everclear (a pure 190-proof alcoholic beverage) are often used in perfume making because theyre clear and dont have a particularly boozy odor. You should not use denatured alcohol or rubbing alcohol (isopropyl alcohol) when making perfume and never use methanol as its readily absorbed across the skin and is toxic. The Base Oil Jojoba oil or sweet almond oil are a good carrier or base oils because theyre kind to the skin, however, there are other oils that can be substituted for them. Just keep in mind that some oils have a relatively short shelf life, meaning they can go rancid fairly quickly—which probably wont improve the fragrance of your perfume. Another issue if youre going to try a different carrier oil is that some oils are less likely to stay mixed than others. Animal oils, such as civet (an oil secreted by perineal glands of several viverrid species) and ambergris (a byproduct of the digestive process of sperm whales), have a long history of use in perfumes, and are still commercially available should you wish to try them, although they can be pricey. The most important thing to remember when choosing a carrier oil never to use a toxic one as your carrier oil. Many essential oils that are used for fragrances are actually toxic in high doses. Essential Oils Commercial perfumes tend to use synthetic organics, which can cause sensitivity reactions. Natural perfumes arent necessarily any better. Essential oils are very potent, and as mentioned, some are toxic. The fragrances from many white flowers (e.g., jasmine) are toxic even in relatively low doses. Thyme and cinnamon oils, while therapeutic in low doses, are toxic in high doses. You dont have to avoid these oils. Just bear in mind that with perfume, sometimes less is more. You should feel free to experiment distilling the essences of herbs and flowers but know your botany. Distilling poison ivy would not be a good plan. Distilling oil from hallucinogenic herbs might not be appreciated either. Hygiene Be sure to filter your perfume and use only clean containers to store them in. You dont want to introduce bacteria, fungi, or mold into your perfume, nor do you want to encourage their growth. Many essential oils inhibit microbial growth, so this is less of an issue with perfume, however, it can become more of a concern if you dilute the perfume to make cologne.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Child Labor in Agriculture Essay - 943 Words

There are hundreds of thousands of child farm workers laboring under challenging and bad conditions in the United States of America. This is according to a human rights watch report dubbed, Fingers to the bone: United States Failure to Protect Child Farm Workers. This rights group made discoveries that the child laborers are often made to toil between twelve and fourteen hours a single day and stand a risk of pesticide poisoning, heat exposure effects, injuries and health complications that could last a life time. However, the majority of this population that makes up the child laborers is from Latino. This paper seeks to demystify the issue of Child Labor in agriculture in the United States using information from a Human Rights Watch.†¦show more content†¦Basing on a number of interviews with child farm workers and the farm worker activists, we can confidently deduce that: child laborers are regularly subjected to contact with dangerous pesticides, agonizing rashes, heada ches, giddiness, queasiness and vomiting. Lasting repercussions of pesticide contact include amongst others, cancer, brain damage, education and memory complications (National Research Council Committee on Pesticides in the Diets of Infants and Children, 1993). The majority of child farm workers are forced to work without required toilet amenities, hand washing equipments or sufficient clean drinking water, the triple principal sanitation requirements. It is the insufficient hand washing equipments that also contributes to pesticide poisoning and bacterial contagion, while the deficiency of plenty drinking water can result to dehydration and heat complications. Child laborers most often toil in lands that are subjected to temperatures slightly above 100 degrees Fahrenheit. They also suffer a very high rate of wounds resulting from knife cuts and weighty apparatus. They stand for eighty percent of all proportion of working minors but unfortunately suffer forty percent of work related complications amongst children. The education of these children involved in child labor in agriculture is normally affected in a bigShow MoreRelatedChild Labor Essay809 Words   |  4 PagesChild labor has been an extremely serious issue since the early industrial revolution and it continues to be an issue today. The movement towards the industrial revolution increased demand for labor, especially cheap labor, which targeted young children as a means for performing work in the factories. Since it was an economically growing era for the United States, children in the 18th century worked long hours for low minimum wage under harsh conditions to help their families. Children were easilyRead MoreEffects Of Child Labor During The Industrial Revolution Versus Modern Europe1713 Words   |  7 PagesEffects of Child Labor in the Industrial Revolution versus Modern Europe By: Lariah Thiel â€Æ' Child labor has been a very big problem since the Industrial Revolution. As the world began to industrialize, the demand for labor increased greatly. During the Industrial Revolution child labor became a very important aspect of everyday life because the demand for laborers had grown so much. Families were not only dependent on adults for money, but they were also dependent of their children. Some childrenRead MoreFree the Children from Child Labour1517 Words   |  7 PagesFree The Children from Child Labour: The Disadvantageous of Child Labour Two hundred million children are suffering in the world! â€Å"the world has an estimated 186 million child labourers – 5,7 million in forced and bonded labor, 1.8 million in prostitution, and 0.3 million in armed conflict† .( Basu amp; Tzannatos, 2003, p.147). In Africa, Asia and the Middle East, a huge number of children are child labourers, and most of them under 14 years old. However, they are working hard as sameRead MoreChild Labor Should Be Banned Worldwide1011 Words   |  5 PagesOctober 2016 Child Labor Tired muscles, achy feet, and extreme drowsiness are some of the symptoms children feel after working a long day at the factory or mine. Children all around the world are forced to work in factories, mines, or in agriculture every day. They lose their childhood, education, and possibly their families due to child labor. There is a long history of child labor, with many health risks. Along with health risks there is an education deprivation from the children. Child labor needsRead MoreEssay on The Worse Mistake in Human History1398 Words   |  6 Pagescivilization, allowed for more leisure time in which people could then focus on arts and allowed for a higher yielding, more consistent and reliable food source. Despite some of the innovations that sprang from agriculture, upon a closer look, we can see that with the advent of agriculture came class division, gender inequality, less leisure time, overpopulation, diseases, deficient diets and starvation. The transition from hunting a nd gathering to agricultural food production may have been the worstRead MoreEssay on Child Labor in Venezuela1505 Words   |  7 Pages(Baguley and Winter 15). The county is also divided into ten administrative regions, which were established by presidential decrees (Baguley and Winter 20). Children can be found working in agriculture, small to medium size businesses, scavenging in garbage dumps and gold (Baguley and Winter 15). Child Labor started in Venezuela because the government had failed to solve the education, working conditions and government corruption problems in the count (Coronel 2). One of the problems, the governmentRead MoreGlobalization And The Economics Of Child Labor Essay1009 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"Globalization and the Economics of Child Labor†, by Eric V. Edmonds, a professor of economics researching to improve child labor policy, says, â€Å"In November of 2000, ten children earning around $11 per month burned to death in a garment factory in Bangladesh. The exits from the factory were chained shut† (Edmonds, 3). If the doors had been unlocked instead of chained shut, the children would have been save from this horrible fatality. More importantly, without child labor, this situation could have beenRead MoreEssay on Child Labor in Venezuela1008 Words   |  5 Pagescorrespondent in the city of Caracas, and the Federal Dependencies. The country is also divided into ten administrative regions, which were established by presidential decrees. Children can be found working in agriculture, small to medium size businesses, scavenging in garb age dumps and gold mining. Child Labor started in Venezuela because the government had failed to solve the education, working conditions and government corruption problems in the county. One of the problems, the government failedRead MoreChildren And Their Effects On Children1406 Words   |  6 Pagesto help their families. Sometimes families will sell their children to do labor because they are in debt. Some might say that working as a child could be beneficial. It teaches them good work ethic and responsibility. It also teaches them how working hard and earning money is a way of living. But in reality, it robs children of their childhood and it delays their social skills and their basic learning skills as well. A child should not have to worry about working or being physically and mentally abusedRead MoreGeography: Facts About Ghana Essay1487 Words   |  6 Pages$40.71 billion and their monetary unit is Cedi which in relation to one U.S. dollar, it is equivalent to .37910 Cedi (Bbc news, 2013). Education for children is very important for Ghana to increase their GDP. Although there is a rate of 34% for child labor, school attendance is increasing. The system is set up for eleven years: two years of Kindergarten, six years of primary school and three years of Junior High School. There are certain programs that are helping Ghana achieve their Millennium Development

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Pins and Needles free essay sample

My left knee has a decade old scar I got from crawling around in the kitchen when I was barely capable of standing. The scar on my right wrist came from stuffing my hand into a peanut can and pulling it out too quickly and too close to the edge. My legs are dressed in an assortment of cuts, scrapes, and scratches that came from years of poking my nose to find out what was in that tree, over that hill, or atop that rock outcrop. Curiosity will forever and always get the best of me. In the lifelong search to know the how and why of everything, a deep desire to create using this knowledge overcame me. It was an afternoon more than ten years ago that I asked my mother to teach me how to sew, and being the persistent child I was, she put down whatever she was doing to show me the basics. We will write a custom essay sample on Pins and Needles or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I had found my niche. Soon the house was full of oddly shaped new friends and their pillows, often stuffed with socks because it was all I had at hand. But that wasn’t enough to satisfy me. I begged my mother to let me use the sewing machine but in her better judgment, she doused my ambition for I was too young and too excited to work a machine whose sole purpose is to rotate a fine needle. Over the course of years, I worked with my hands, cutting Father’s old shirts and frustrating myself when I couldn’t get my projects to come out quite as I had envisioned. The discipline engrained from eight years of Catholic school couple with the same eight taking Taikashink, a Japanese style of martial arts, kept with me. The first time I walked into a fabric store my mother quickly lost me among the satin, fleece, cotton, and crushed velvet. When I was finally old enough to get my hands on Mother’s sewing machine, I knew I had found a friend with a very unique per sonality. Some days it would behave and others it would rip to shred the fabric I spent an hour or more carefully cutting. Despite the anger I had with this machine, I learned what made it work and tamed the beast within my Singer Athena. My free time is still consumed with finding new projects and examining clothing to see just how it was put together, and also how I could do it better. With every new project, I learn a different way to do the same thing, bringing me one step closer to perfecting my art. My passion for sewing has gone beyond my home and has come to the point where just a walk down the street has me examining peoples clothing and trying to mentally reconstruct how it could have been made. I enjoy the challenge in taking characters from novels, games, and movies that have signature costumes and designing actual ways to put them together. When I attended the New York Comic Convention, I stopped and questioned anyone who had an interesting costume about where they got the fabric for their accessories and how they perfected the detailing. It is an intention of mine to learn as much as possible from as many people as possible to feed my curiosity and better my abilities in order to find useful applications.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Factors Affecting Brand Advertising Success -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Factors Affecting Brand Advertising Success? Answer: Introducation I have gone through the chapter Global forces and advertising industry and analyzed that the global advertising industry has faced several challenges. The advertising industry has also passed through the phase of digital revolution and there were many rival companies that were in operational in the market (Percy 2016). I have also found that the changing pattern in the global market have affected the advertising market structure as well market dynamics. I have gone through the objectives of the advertising industry and has found that this industry has no such specific targeted audience and they target the mass market and thus encourage them to purchase new product or service. According to me, I think advertising also helps in promotion of specific brands and the consumers will be able to differentiate between the different brands. I can say that brand advertisement is the job of the advertising agencies and it is their responsibility to carry out the advertising process in a better w ay. I have also found that the brands target the businesses as well as the consumers. After reviewing through the entire chapter, I can say that different companies prefers to display their advertisements in different advertisement modes. These advertising agencies also acts on behalf of the client or the brand company and accordingly displays the advertisements(Ansari and Riasi 2016). I have found that different companies employ the advertising agencies to use their skills, knowledge and creativity for the creation of advertisements. The clients pay different amount to the advertising agencies and thus the advertisements are also created depending on the payment and the choice of the customers (Hackley and Hackley 2017). I can say that the money that is spent on advertising by the different companies has increased gradually with the passage of time and this is estimated to increase in the next few years. The advertising agencies are also shifting their attention to different geographic sectors in the economy and it has also become easier for them to focus on the requ ired brand and thus help in boosting the sales of the company (Percy 2016). I have found that the top advertisers are the car manufacturers of different companies. They constitute more than 50% of the global advertising economy and this is expected to increase with the passage of time (Percy 2016). I have found that the different advertising agencies has their individual specialist or experts and thus this individual is assigned with creation of different advertisement. These advertising agencies also has certain drawbacks i.e. the cost of advertisement through this agencies is very high and they are not feasible for small business enterprises who possess limited resources. Moreover, there are many advertising agencies that has not worked with any business entity earlier and it becomes difficult to understand the nature of business and this also leads to ineffective campaign (Ansari and Riasi 2016). After a thorough analysis, I have found that co-ordination is an important function of the advertising agencies. The advertising agencies must also ensure that there is proper co-ordination among the sales force, clients and the distribution network to ensure long run success of different advertisement programs (Percy 2016). I have also found that the main goal of the advertising agencies is to assist the distributors, sales person and the retailers that will help in maximizing their clients. Moreover, there were some special agencies who are assigned with the special task of publicity, preparation, market research and product literature. According to me, I think there must be a special department in these advertising agencies who must be assigned with the task of work schedule as well as proper routing sequence for different advertisements. After the preparation of the advertisement, it must be forwarded to the media who will carry it forward for further processing. This is possible after illustration, copy and mechanical production after the approval of advertisement from the client. There is also a public relations department in every advertisement company and the main aim of the company to maintain goodwill with the mass people. This tool also helps in better communication with the public and thus it will help in corporate advertisements as well as publicity (Hackley and Hackley 2017).I think the main responsibility of public relations department is to build trust and relation with the employees, customers, shareholders and the middleman. I have also found that the budgets of the online advertising agencies are increasing at a much faster pace than the traditional media of advertising. With the rapid pace of globalization, I think the companies are interested to shift of interactive digital media agencies and thus this will also be beneficial for the company as well as the advertising agencies. I have also found that there are certain competitive factors that affects the advertising agencies and this is important to gain competitive advantage. I have also noticed that this disruptive change has occurred in the advertising agencies after 21st century. Moreover, advertising on the mobile devices such as tablets and smartphone has not been so popular till the last century(Hackley and Hackley 2017). Therefore, I can say that the role of advertising agencies has been diversified and there was also diversification of the marketing options. Therefore, I can conclude that the reality of the advertising agencies and the industry as a whole has changed with the passage of time. It is also the responsibility of the marketers to decide how they will hire the advertising agencies and the roles that will be played by the advertising agencies. The advertising agencies also provide the clients with specialized and skilled services. Thus, the advertising agencies can give creative solutions to the companies and the different products and thus this will help in building better public relations, suggesting sales and different promotional activities, creating propaganda. Moreover, these agencies also provide specialized services to the clients and they have experienced staff who provides easier administration to different multiple services. These advertisement agencies also have different disadvantages and there is risk associated with the clients that damages the image of the company. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the mark eting agencies or the advertising teams to define the role of agencies at the time of establishment of relationships. References Ansari, A. and Riasi, A., 2016. An investigation of factors affecting brand advertising success and effectiveness.International Business Research,9(4), p.20. Hackley, C. and Hackley, R.A., 2017.Advertising and promotion. Sage. Percy, L., 2016.Strategic advertising management. Oxford University Press.